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2 posters

    Behind the Scenes: December

    Forum Geek
    Forum Geek

    Posts : 3186
    Join date : 2009-07-07
    Age : 31
    Location : England

    Behind the Scenes: December Empty Behind the Scenes: December

    Post by Jamie December 1st 2010, 8:42 pm

    Yes, this is a bit late this month however there's a reason behind it; I was making sure that everything was ready before I posted this.

    So what's happening this month?

    Well, updates you should see this month include;
    A new error message for when the client cannot connect to the server along with a Christmas event due to arive later this month and a new command

    to open external webpages.
    This isn't forgetting the introduction of our new website and forums which are NOW Open.

    New error message

    Behind the Scenes: December Errorj10

    This will now appear when the client cannot connect to the server therefore making it easier to know if the server is online or not, which should

    mean that staff and more experienced players get less messages asking what "error_game_js5disconnect" means; meaning less hastle for them.

    New commands

    We're also introducing new commands such as ::vote that will open a new window in your default browser that will take you to our voting page so

    it's easier to vote for you, this is along with new vote instances that you are presented with once every 24hours on the forums and website that

    remind you to vote (please bare in mind that this isn't forcing you to vote and you can infact click "remind me in 24hrs" to bypass it).

    This also brings me nicely to our new vote website's that we've registered on; We're no longer only on Mmorpgtoplist we're also on Gtop100 and

    TopG. As of last month you need to vote on all three of the websites to gain voting points and money however for doing so you now recieve an

    increased amount of money and points.

    Christmas 2010

    We're yet to decide on what the event will actually be but keep posting your ideas and we hope it'll be one of our biggest events yet after the

    success of halloween this year.

    New website

    Yes, we're now ready to move to our new website and forums. Some of you might have already seen snippets of it however it's now officially use.

    Give us your feedback on what we can do to improve them and what you like/dislike about them.

    [size]Finally, Player of the Month for November:[/size]

    We've awarded this user with Player of the Month for November because we feel that they have been active as much as possible on both the forums and

    the server and have contributed towards the server.
    We hope you remain active and keep playing Powerscape.



    Well done!

    See you on the other side:


    If you would like any posts moving over just send me a pm or visitor message on the new forums and i'll sort it our for you.

    Posts : 1531
    Join date : 2009-06-21
    Age : 29
    Location : Redditch

    Behind the Scenes: December Empty Re: Behind the Scenes: December

    Post by John December 1st 2010, 11:19 pm


      Current date/time is June 30th 2024, 9:48 am