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    Forum Rules [IMPORTANT - READ]

    Forum Geek
    Forum Geek

    Posts : 3186
    Join date : 2009-07-07
    Age : 31
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    Forum Rules [IMPORTANT - READ] Empty Forum Rules [IMPORTANT - READ]

    Post by Jamie November 11th 2010, 6:49 pm

    Forum Rules

    The Following is a list of all the forum rules that must be followed by ALL members and visitors also the entire forum is governed by the Terms and Conditions. Be sure to read them and follow them or appropriate actions will be taken. Repeated behaviour considered inappropriate by Administrators and/or Moderators may result in your account being suspended/banned from our forums and even in-game, warnings may be sent for smaller offences before any actions are taken but not guaranteed. Please be sure to also follow all specific game rules since those are in addition to these rules and must be respected.

    General Forum Rules:

    Do Not Link to inappropriate websites. This includes, but is not limited to; sites containing adult content, information on any type of software piracy, or racially offensive materials. This will get you permanently banned.

    No advertising other games or products in promotional / spam behaviour (including links within the post message, signature or promotional image on avatar).

    Do not post inappropriate images (Nudity, other people's photos, and images suggesting suicide or real world violence/hatred, racism).

    Do not make any Sexist, Sexually Themed, Racist, or Hate threads or posts.

    Do not make any threads about using, planning, discussing, or taking part in illegal activities such as theft, drugs, killing, etc. (standards based on UK, Canada, and USA).

    No obscenities of any kind in any form.

    Never insult any person(s) on the forum.

    No political or religious discussion of any kind will be tolerated on the forums. These kinds of conversations almost always devolve into insult contests or flame wars.

    Do not Flame each other! Use your manners and common sense. If you disagree with someone, do so gracefully. Additionally do not link to websites such as youfail.org or any other website pertaining to it in identical nature. It will be treated like spam and dealt with accordingly.

    Do not double post. Double posting to bump up your thread isn’t acceptable no matter what the circumstance; mainly it annoys the other users of the forum because they might lose their chances of their posts being seen by others.


    A Note about Bans:

    Bans will not be discussed openly on any forum! If you have any concerns about a ban, please contact a member of staff.  Any threads created for this purpose will be deleted or locked.

    Not reading announcements

    All announcements will be placed in the news and announcements section, please read them regularly.  Any posts regarding the announcements should be placed on the appropriate threads; any posts in incorrect places will be deleted.

    Posting in wrong sections       

    Before posting anything make sure you are confident in that you know you are posting in the correct area, if you are unsure that you are posting in the correct area please ask for the thread to be moved if a member of staff feels that it should be in another area.  Failing to do so could lead to the thread being locked or deleted.

    Unnecessary posting                   

    Posting messages that are not needed but are still on topic should be avoided; these posts will only be deleted by a member of staff.

    Old Thread Revival (aka grave digging)        

    Please avoid reviving threads that are weeks and months old. We will either delete your new messages and lock the thread or remove the whole topic altogether. Repeated Necromancy of old threads may result in a suspension from the game/forums because this will be considered as abusive use of the forums.

    English Only                     

    All forum posts and PM’s to Administrators, and Moderators must be written in English at all times. Threads not following these rules will be removed and appropriate actions will be taken against the user.

    Use of CAPS                    

    Excessive use of capitals in messages is inappropriate. On the Internet caps signifies shouting. Be polite, no one likes to be yelled at, so keep your caps lock off. Threads with all caps will be removed.


    Posts that are made on your own threads purely to make them rise to the top and have no valid input will result in that post being deleted or in extreme cases the thread being locked or deleted.

    Locked/Removed Thread Discussion

    Discussing a locked or removed thread is forbidden and any posts found in regards to this will be removed. These threads were adjusted for a reason. If you have a problem with a thread that was removed, send a private message to a member of staff.

    Generic Offences               

    This applies to everything that doesn’t fall under another category that a moderator might feel disserves a warning.

    Forum Signatures/Avatars      

    Keep your signature/Avatar clean, no profanity, racial material, nudity, extreme violence, sexual content, or links to any other site that contains any of these things.

    Advertising of other services/websites

    Do not advertise other sites or services on these forums. Threads consisting of advertisements for sites/services will be removed unless prior consent from an admin is given. This includes in avatars, signatures and posts.


    Spamming should never be done under any circumstances! Do not reply to spam in anyway shape or form or you yourself may be blacklisted or worse. If you see any posts that have degraded to spam wars or have any other infraction in them please let a member of staff know and they will take the appropriate steps. Users who spam may be banned from the forum and/or in-game.


    Anyone hacking another user’s account will receive a ban.  What is the need in hacking someone else’s account?  There are other ways to sort out disputes between each other.

    Plagiarism or Leaking

    We will not accept you claiming rights for something that isn’t yours, someone else will have worked hard to make the work their own.  If you have posted something that you don’t own or don’t have full consent from the owner you could face a temporary ban.          

    Inappropriate behaviour

    This is also commonly known as Flaming, the act of abusing another member with profanities or other forms of insults. This also applies to racism and sexism and mass spam.  Users who this applies to are likely to receive a temporary ban or in some circumstance a permanent ban.

    Market fraud

    Faking vouches or advertising a product that you cannot supply will result in you becoming temporarily banned or if repeatedly committed a permanent ban.

    Privacy/ Harassment

    Never post anyone else’s personal information on the forum without their consent and be sure to not bother them via forum posts, PMs, or any other form of communication on anything on Powerscape or you will be dealt with severely.

    Illegal content

    Posts that include things such as child pornography, warez and any other content that you can be prosecuted for posting will be immediately removed and you will be banned and possibly face receiving an IP ban on the forums and in-game.


    Any use an imitation of another login to steal user’s passwords in any posts or PM’s will be removed and you will be banned.

    Posting viruses

    This rule does not need to be explained; intentionally posting content that contains a virus will again be removed and you will be banned.

    Ban evading

    If you are found to have created a new account in the attempt to evade your ban and carry on using the forums freely you will receive an IP ban.


    Thank you for reading the Rules and make sure to keep to them no matter what.

    Forum Geek
    Forum Geek

    Posts : 1321
    Join date : 2009-07-07
    Age : 29
    Location : https://www.youtube.com/mordorkyle

    Forum Rules [IMPORTANT - READ] Empty Re: Forum Rules [IMPORTANT - READ]

    Post by MyBlobby123 November 11th 2010, 6:59 pm

    lol you have no life do you? lol poor poor Jamie Razz

    OT: thanks Jamie i was actually gunna ask you to make some rules today Razz

      Current date/time is July 2nd 2024, 8:05 am